Introducing a new service: UX-at-large.

I’m going to participate in Expert Corner a next Wednesday’s Mass Innovation Nights event, and am introducing a new service designed to meet the needs of statrtups. Read on for more…

Who is it for?

Red Pill UX created the UX-at-large package to help early-to-mid-stage startups, and companies which are just beginning to focus on user experience in their websites and applications.  These companies are not yet ready to hire a full-time user experience resource, but are hesitant to outsource to consultants who are unfamiliar with their product.

How does it work?

Think of it as the equivalent of having a lawyer on retainer.  The company hires Red Pill UX for a limited 40 hour engagement at an introductory rate.  The company can use their engagement for any service provided by Red Pill UX, including user experience strategy, requirements gathering, structured brainstorming/ideation, persona development, usability testing, and information architecture.  Once the introductory period is over, the contract can be re-negotiated on a per-project or hourly basis.

What are the benefits?

  • A chance to focus on user experience early on
  • An objective voice to represent your users
  • An on-call expert in user experience research and design
  • A consultant who will get to know your product without the price-tag of a full-time hire


Contact Us.